our human contract

Life with Shannon, LLC. Decree 

Welcome! All that come to this place have a shared responsibility to monitor their participation and engagement here. 

Yes. I govern the container, so I absolutely will oversee Minding My Business.

Yes. I will honor those in their sovereignty who enter this space and offer them a loving and encouraging place to land.

Also, Yes. I will always do my human best to operate according to integrity that honors fairness for all.

I will offer empathy to those who feel triggered, but I do not condone apology for Being.

I will offer regard for eclectic exercise of energy, but I will not allow for exploitative energetic attacks.

I will offer tenderness in listening to who needs to be heard, but I will not engage where the presence of love is lacking.

I will offer safety in witnessing those who struggle, but I will not support the absence of mutual dignity.

I will offer insight into experience, but I am not a mouthpiece; I do not speak for everyone.

I will offer what I know and how I know it at that time, but I do not know everything.

I will offer the expertise of my practice, but I will continue to grow, change, be a novice, and learn towards proficiency.

My Self, Business, and Relationships are a sacred circle:

  • They are a soft place to land with solid accountability.

  • They are a container of fierce love that challenges us to our greatest and highest good.

  • They are a garden of growth for those needing a safe space to excavate personal landscapes, plant seeds, nestle their power, and graciously grow.

They are an incubator and an invitation to practice patience as you:

  • Learn to speak your own language

  • Practice Purposeful and Passionate Exhaustion

  • Rear Reciprocal Relationships

With Blessings,