musical healing

Emotions are creative energy. Engaging them in ways to creatively match their bigness helps allow in polarities that will process & heal them. Polarities are opposites, like good & bad, happy & sad, appreciation & condemnation.

We are not 1-dimensional beings, & therefore, we do not have access to singular emotions either; WE CAN HAVE BOTH THE GOOD AND THE BAD. In fact, we were designed that way, but we weren’t taught that nor how to manage it. That’s why we need to discover what allowing the BOTH/AND individually looks like for us, how to institute it as a non-negotiable practice to help us remember that we Get To honor our needs, & when necessary, invite ourselves to play, even when it feels hard.

Creative practices calm the mind & secure internal safety to ground us & help us face challenges. Music is one-way I engage supercharged emotions; walks, singing, dancing, support groups, meditation, journaling, Yoga, etc. are among others. What you find value in, & what grants you peace, is unique to you, which is why a committed self-relationship is vital to not only healing, but also the discovery of what will help you to safely heal.


If I hadn’t committed to learning what a healthy self-relationship was for me, I may never have grasped that Music offers me security & a sense of understanding in my humanity. Safety teaches us how to access internal gratitudes, which come from prioritizing self-relationship, & is why the clear path to healing comes from within, too. Remember, whatever you’re dealing with is occurring IN you. So to heal, my friend, you must face it… you must face YOU.

Sometimes, when dealing with supercharged emotions, finding what grounds us can feel fuzzy. I know this because I understand, & have experienced the fuzziness, too. It’s like the intensity of the dominant feeling takes over & suddenly, it’s in control. It no longer seems like the sensation is what’s happening in you, but that it has taken over the mainframe & is now who you are. And, in these moments, trying to find centeredness inside of the emotional tornado can feel like grabbing onto quicksand as an anchor. It’s wild & chaotic.

When I started to notice that music was a liberator for me, something that could grab hold of me & lift me out of heaviness, I noted that other things might have the capacity to do it, too; raise me up & out of whatever emotional stronghold I felt stuck in. That’s not to say their use is to escape hardship. Rather, to get elevation from it, so as to let the mind, heart, body, and nervous system chill long enough to realize the heavy shit I’m dealing with. That for my well-being, I need to find a way, something, to help me breathe for a fruggin’ moment to gain bearings of who I am, who I want to be about what’s happening, & the support I need, either from me or Others, to reground into an internal safe space to process & heal it.

When I reconciled with music as a long-term, yet unconscious, healing agent of mine, I noticed its bitter absence from my life. And, as I began to again reintroduce myself to it, & it to me, only then did I understand the necessity of allowing painful emotions to collide with loving ones.

I hope you allow yourself the opportunity to get curious about the creative & supportive ways you can engage supercharged emotions. Remember, You Can’t Get This Wrong. It’s all about you, so play away & be as liberal -or as picky- as you like with your adventure into feeling. May it be a feast for your senses.

In the meantime, please enjoy the following playlists for your healing listening pleasure.

With Blessings,